Powerbrand内部设立Powerbrand基金。自建立之初就一直努力参与公益活动,希望将所取得的成功回馈社会。 Powerbrand基金面向致力于直接改善人们生活的非赢利性组织提供支持。无偿或部分收费地帮助非赢利性组织创造并管理他们的品牌。并视情况部分或全部负担由此产生的第三方费用。 Powerbrand sets up Powerbrand fund. From the beginning of building,we have tried to participate in public welfare activities, to the success to give back to society. Powerbrand fund oriented is committed to improve people's lives directly support nonprofit organization. Part or unpaid charges to help non-profit organizations to create and manage their brand. And depending on the situation part or all of the burden of the third party costs. |
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